Saturday, February 20, 2010

Katz's Deli (New York, NY)

Katz's deli pastrami on rye in my carry-on tote

We couldn't leave New York without trying a pastrami sandwich from Katz's Deli now, could we?

Actually, we didn't have enough days in New York to do a lot, including squeezing in a meal at Katz's. So, we dropped by the night before our flight and bought a sandwich to-go.

The place was packed!

I must say, they do have a weird ordering system: there's that thing with the ticket they hand you, then there's the separate "service" for take-out and sit-down, then there's lining up at a specific cutter. Very strange.

"Each cutter has his own line," a sign says.

So, we picked a cutter. I assume that regulars would have a favorite cutter?

our cutter

Our cutter was really nice, and inadvertently posed for a photograph as I was trying to take a picture of what he was doing. ;)

JS must have been really tired or whatever, as she failed to get the meat and bread packed separately for our take-out pastrami on rye.

Oh well.

So, we got our sandwich and went on our merry way. For the plane ride the next day, I packed each sandwich half separately, packed the pickles separately, packed a lot of napkins for what I assume would be a messy affair, and packed more pieces of bread (just regular ol' white sandwich bread, though).

I couldn't wait for the plane ride, so I partook in some of the sandwich while waiting at the airport. That's my luggage right there.

It was a satisfying sandwich. The meat was nice and juicy, and not at all overly-salty like I feared it would be. Although, unlike JS, I don't get unusual cravings for pastrami sandwiches.

In any case, I had to stop myself from finishing all of it so I would something to eat on the plane. There's my airplane meal. That on the left in the black container? Well, that's leftover duck meat from wd-50.

This is much better fare that your standard airplane food.

Read about's visit to Katz's and view much better photographs:

Katz's Delicatessen
New York, NY
Visited in August 2009

We ate all the food below -- and more -- in 4 days! Insane. See how: NYC Eating Extravaganza (August 2009)

[eatingclub] vancouver in New York
Rice to Riches
Shake Shack
Grom Gelato
Bleecker Street Pizza
New York Burger Co.
Artichoke Basille's Pizza
Katz's Deli
Lombardi's Pizza
Hummus Place
Max Brenner, Chocolate by the Bald Man
Momofuku Ssäm Bar
Amy Ruth's
Taïm Falafel and Smoothie Bar
A Tale of Two Dogs: Gray's Papaya & Papaya King

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  1. so funny...I was looking at the black container and not recognizing anything that would come from Katz's! Thanks for the clarification. Katz is a must stop, a least once in your life.

  2. Lucky you - I missed out on this one. I didn't know it would be so crowded!

    * I missed out on WD~50 too!

  3. I'm sure you made everyone on the plane jealous!

  4. Joan Nova:
    Yeah, I knew I should at least explain where that other meat came from. =)

    From what I read from the other post (chowtimes), it seems to be *always* crowded!

    I'm sure it was indistinguishable already, hehe.


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