Thursday, October 01, 2009

Raincoast Crisps

A while back, we received an email asking us if we would like to sample the new addition to the Raincoast Crisps product line. We were already quite familiar with these crisps, and being asked to sample a new flavor made us feel special, and all warm and fuzzy inside. ;) So, we accepted!

We promptly received two boxes of Cinnamon & Raisin Raincoast Crisps. Like the other Raincoast Crisps flavors, each crisp was jam-packed with seed-y/grain-y and fruity goodness.

an attempt to be like "most people"

When I found out that we were getting the new Cinnamon Raisin flavour, I was not too excited. I wasn't sure I was going to like the flavour: I only like cinnamon and raisin in small doses and I thought the combination was too common.

Lesley Stowe Fine Foods Ltd., the maker of Raincoast Crisps, recommends topping their crisps with cheeses, dips, and various other toppings. I guess most people do this for entertaining purposes.

There I was pretending to be like most people and laid out a mini-spread of the crisps with fresh mozzarella and some kalamata olives.

In reality, we never entertain with crackers (or crisps) and dips and such. So, while we do like Raincoast Crisps -- they are very good -- we don't usually have them on hand.

But, the other reason why we try not to keep Raincoast Crisps in the pantry?

Because that is what happens. It is not at all difficult for me to finish one box (or more) in one sitting! Bad, so bad!

The cinnamon flavour was not as pronounced as I had feared it to be, and there were enough nuts and seeds to keep the cracker interesting. I thought I would turn my nose up at the Cinnamon Raisin crisps. Instead, I started chomping away until there was none left!

For more information on Lesley Stowe's Raincoast Crisps, including the different variations/flavors available, visit their website.


  1. i actually just bought this new flavour a couple of days ago and I find the cinnamon raisin flavours mild compared to the other ones I had. I was really bad too...I ate them plain with coffee for breakfast two days in a row and then they were gone....can't wait to buy them again!

  2. We don't have anything remotely like this in the US. I want to try! I love grains.

  3. I bet they would be great with a smear of cream cheese

  4. I noticed the new packaging and was so tempted to get a box or two. Yes, these are quite addicting! And, oh, nothing on top of it. I eat them "as is".

  5. Oooh, looks good. We'll often pick up a box or two from Urban Fare, and usually we'll eat them plain or with a little goat's cheese & jam. I'm a fan!

  6. I'm the same as I also don't like cinnamon or raisins in large doses. But the crisps look pretty tasty anyways.

  7. I don't buy them too often because I think they're horribly over priced ($7.99 for a box of CRACKERS? Seriously?) but the fig and olive ones make me weak in the knees with adoration.

  8. Anon:
    At least you had the restraint to save some for the next day instad of finishing the box in one sitting! ;)

    Wandering Chopsticks:
    Supposedly they sell this in the US too, but I guess at very few locations. Really, no one in the US has thought of selling stuff like this? Hmm. No wonder it's so "popular" here!

    Don't give us ideas!

    Yep. Besides the fact that they don't really need anything on them (I think), it's far easier to shove them into one's mouth straight from the box instead of going over to the fridge to get or prepare something to eat them with. =D

    They have different flavors. They even have a "saltier" one too!

    Choosy Beggar Tina:
    Yes, price was another factor. I'm glad to see that it's not just us who thinks they're crazily expensive! Hence, double danger for us: not only are these expensive, but we go through them very fast! I like the hazelnuts and cranberries one the best myself. =)

  9. The Raincoast crips are sold at Whole Fooods in the US.

  10. Market of Choice, an Oregon chain, sells them.
