Tuesday, October 13, 2009

eatingclub Chicken Saltimbocca on SAVEUR.com's Best of the Web!

according to SAVEUR.com

I was puttering around our Google Analytics a few days ago -- a very rare occurrence as these "analytics" are all Greek to me -- when I noticed that on one certain day, we had an unusually higher number of visits. It was very strange indeed. On further investigation, I discovered why.

Our Chicken "Saltimbocca" post was featured on SAVEUR.com's Best of The Web!

Wow! That was totally unexpected; a complete surprise! We're so happy!

SAVEUR.com: Chicken Saltimbocca by [eatingclub] vancouver

[eatingclub] vancouver is now on their list of "Best of the Web" sites!
[eatingclub] vancouver:
Chicken "Saltimbocca" (the original post)


  1. Nicely done! Now I can say that I share the same taste as Saveur. Woooooot.

  2. Congrats!! It's so fun to be "discovered" in our own little corner of the web from time to time, just doing what we love. And I agree, this post is fantastic. ;)

  3. It looks like a great interpretation. Congratulations!

  4. Congratulations ladies!!!! That's awesome news!!!!! I love that Saveur does that. We got one of our recipes posted up there this summer and I almost fainted I was so ecstatic - what a nerd, eh? Your saltimbocca looks delightful, I can see why they were fans!


  5. Thanks, all!

    Teehee, nerds are our kind of people. =)
