Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Sambal Mini Eggplants and Campari Tomatoes

We picked up these really cute eggplants with a streaky pattern one day, with no thought to their application.

They sat on the counter until I knew I had to use them, or else!

I had originally thought that perhaps we could do a Szechuan eggplant dish, but, I was too lazy. So, I opened the fridge and spied our never-been-used jar sambal belacan. Perfect! I had been to a Malaysian restaurant a few days before and had some sambal eggplant. So, that's what I decided to make.

We also had some campari tomatoes lying around, so I thought to add them as well.

I was thinking of just throwing everything into the wok, but, on second thought, decided that I couldn't be that lazy.

So, I started by frying the eggplant slices first.

left: eggplant slices in the wok
right: fried eggplants draining on paper towels

I took the eggplant slices out of the wok, then, in the hot wok, I added some sambal belacan paste and stirred that around for a few seconds. The halved campari tomatoes went in next, then the fried eggplant slices. I seasoned with a touch of salt and a pinch of sugar, and that was that.

I think my dish needed a bit more sambal belacan; I was afraid it was going to be too spicy for other people in the house. But, this was very nice indeed. I do like my foods very boldly flavored.

eatingclub vancouver Malaysian
Sambal Mini Eggplants with Campari Tomatoes
Nasi Lemak (Malaysian Coconut Rice Meal with Sambal)

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For other Malaysian dishes, including how to make sambal belacan from scratch, visit My Asian Kitchen (and her sister blog, Beachlover Kitchen).

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