Monday, September 14, 2009

Chicken and Rice

A Wordless Post, as wordless as we can make it.

Sometimes a little chicken and rice does a body good.

In the pot:
1 whole chicken, cut into parts, dusted with paprika & oregano, browned;
Garlic & onions;
Diced bell peppers, green & red;
Homemade chicken stock (made from its brethren);
Turmeric, a little bit for color;
And of course, jasmine rice.

Salt & pepper, too!

Easy one-pot meal.

[eatingclub] vancouver Chicken
[eatingclub] vancouver Rice

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  1. Hola! It nearly looks as a paella rice :D. Rice has some kind of paranormal atraction to me... if there's rice in a recipe I must try it! And believe it or not, I never tried jasmine rice before, so... here is my chance... thank you! Love to be back at your place♥

  2. This looks amazing! TheHusband (the chicken lover) is going to go nuts over this one.

  3. pictures are worth thousand words--this seems like a great, cozy up, comfort food.

  4. Hey I make something very similar when I'm lazy. Occassionally I'll throw in saffron or cumin as well with cilantro.

  5. oh mama....such a post does not need words indeed....look absolutely delicious...i must must MUST try (one pot wonder maniac)

    and i am in love with your pot :)

  6. That looks awesome! Will you be posting the recipe to follow? :)

  7. I was just thinking about making arroz con pollo.

    funny, a wordless post from you two. I've grown accustomed to the dialogue.

  8. Núria:
    We're glad you're back! =)

    The Woman:
    Hehe, thanks!

    Great versions, all.

    Mochachocolata Rita said...
    It's a Mario Batali pot. Cheaper than Le Creuset! Or perhaps it's because we bought it at Costco.

    Joan Nova:
    Haha, even our "wordless" posts are still alittle wordy. ;)

  9. Could you post the recipe for me?! This looks so good!

  10. Yes, would really like the recipe, why just pics?

  11. Sorry, guys, it was just one of those instances where stuff were thrown into a pot (as indicated in the post).
