Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Taiwanese Stewed Eggs (滷蛋) with Stewed Minced Pork (魯肉 or 肉燥)

For as long as I can remember eating Taiwanese food, I have always loved the stewed minced pork on rice (魯肉飯 or 肉燥飯).

It is always the first thing I order when trying out a previously uneaten-at Taiwanese restaurant. It is my mother's favourite dish too, and often, she'll just have that one bowl of rice with this pork sauce.

Just butting in here with an aside. Our mother refers to it as "rou zao" (肉燥), but I've also heard it referred to as "lu rou" (魯肉).


I saw that CL (AL's brother) was online and started bombarding him with my out-of-nowhere questions about ground pork. With some fast googling on CL's part, we have discovered that these two terms refer to the same dish, with one term used primarily in the north, and the other in the south of Taiwan.

Thanks CL!

Stewed Minced Pork (魯肉 or 肉燥)

Whoa, the blur!

There are as many variations of this dish (as well as names for this dish, apparently) as there are cooks, but I have always been partial to the versions served at Lin's (Richmond BC, now closed) and at Q Noodle House (Rowland Heights CA).

Thing is, everybody's quite secretive about their recipe and I can never get a straight answer. Thus, what I have dubbed the "taste of Formosa" has eluded me for so long. . .

Anyways, this is my second attempt at this dish and I am pretty satisfied with the result. It seems close enough to my favourite versions of the dish. (I adapted my version from a recipe from chezpei.)

It's another one of those dump-everything-into-a-pot dishes that we lazy folk love to make.

Pork, some mushrooms, garlic, green onions, soy sauce and other seasonings, spices such as star anise, cloves, dried tangerine peel...

Stewed Eggs (滷蛋)

I made some stewed eggs as well, using the same flavorings for stewing the egg as I did the minced pork. Stewed eggs are similar to tea eggs, minus the tea. They're also called marinated eggs.

Stewed minced pork (魯肉; 肉燥) with stewed eggs (滷蛋) makes a very happy meal (served over rice, of course).

This is great with noodles as well! See post here.

Some more "tastes" of Formosa
Taiwanese Stewed Eggs (滷蛋) with Stewed Minced Pork (魯肉 or 肉燥)
Taiwanese Stewed Minced Pork Noodles (魯肉麵; 肉燥麵) with Stewed Eggs and Pickled Mustard Greens
Sautéed Minced Clams and Leek
Gua Bao 刮包 ("Taiwanese Burger", or Pork Belly Buns)

Taiwan trip 2009
Taiwanese Bakery Goods (including ChiaTe Bakery)
Dan Shui 淡水, Taiwan (including food)
Taipei Quick Eats: Mos Burger, Hong Ya Breakfast, Ay Chung Flour-Rice Noodle
Taipei Convenience Store Foods
Shilin Night Market 士林夜市 (Taipei, Taiwan)
Breakfast Buffet at the Shangri-La (Taipei, Taiwan)
Taiwan Beef Noodle Soup, 4 versions (Taipei, Taiwan)
Yehliu 野柳 Geopark; Dried Seafood (Taiwan)

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Stewed Minced Pork (魯肉飯 or 肉燥飯)
Adapted from

1 pound ground pork
1 cup button mushrooms, chopped (I used approximately 16 medium-sized button mushrooms)
8 stalks green onions, chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped

1/3 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup rice wine
1 tbsp brown sugar

1 tsp five-spice powder
2 tsp Sichuan peppercorns, roasted and crushed
1 star anise
2 cloves
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 piece dried orange peel

1 cup water

Brown ground pork in a hot pan. Add mushrooms, green onions, and garlic and cook until fragrant. Add the rest of the ingredients and add enough water to cover. Stew mixture for about 45 minutes. Finish with sesame oil.

Stewed Eggs (滷蛋)

eggs, quantity desired
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup rice wine
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp five-spice powder
2 tsp Sichuan peppercorns, roasted and crushed
1 star anise
2 cloves
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 piece dried orange peel

Hardboil eggs. Crack the shell by tapping the egg on the counter.

Add all the other ingredients to a small pot and simmer. Add cracked, hardboiled eggs. Let simmer for at least 15 minutes (longer is OK). One can keep the simmered eggs in the simmering liquid.

Some eggy eatingclub dishes
Tarragon-Carrot Deviled Eggs
Golden Egg Torta
Hunanese Stir-fried Eggs with Green Peppers
Tortilla de Patatas (Spanish "Omelette")
Piedmont Marinated Eggs
Asparagus and Crab Egg Crêpes
Stir-fried Egg and Tomato
Oyster Torta
Torta with Pork and Kecap Manis
Curried (Easter) Egg Salad
Taiwanese Stewed Eggs (滷蛋) with Stewed Minced Pork (魯肉 or 肉燥)
Longsilog (Longganisa + Sinangag + Itlog)
Torta (Mexican Sandwich)
Mr. Zheng's Soupy Tomatoes and Eggs with Tofu
Nasi Lemak (Malaysian Coconut Rice Meal with Sambal)
Home-style Chinese Steamed Egg with Pork
Golden Shrimp Torta (Philippine Shrimp Omelette)


  1. Love the look of the minced pork over the eggs... very yummy looking.

  2. Oh, I've been looking for a recipe for this minced pork - it's like what they have in the Taiwanese style bento boxes, no?

  3. Ooh, lovely! Here's hoping your next try will surpass the original! (Hmm, maybe a chili pepper? Maybe it's not in the original, but it does improve everything ;)

  4. That stewed pork looks so good

  5. Love this dish! Goes so well with rice!

  6. my favorite taiwanese dish to order = taiwanese minced pork over rice or lettuce ^_^

    i am not crazy about hard boiled eggs but your tea eggs are so gorgeous! i love the marbling

  7. Ooooh, I miss this dish. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I must gotta try soon!

  8. i miss the minced pork over rice in taiwan too!

  9. Somehow I don't think this would be so good for my cholesterol and yet I want to make this now.

  10. noobcook:
    I'd actually take this just onver plain rice; no eggs required. =)

    Yup! Even if you don't order a whole dish of it, they usually put a bit of this on top of the rice.

    It's nice to have people who appreciate ground pork, hehe.

    Thanks! =)

    Mochachocolata Rita:
    Oh, I don't think I've seen it just with lettuce! I prefer soft-boiled eggs myself too.

    Janet @Gourmet Traveller88:
    We hope you do!

    You can make it yourself now. Hehe.

    Marc @ NoRecipes:
    It's not so bad. A little pork and a little egg never hurt anyone. (?) ;)
