Thursday, June 11, 2009


All of a sudden, I find myself not getting enough time to comment on blogs. I don't even know what precipitated this somewhat sad turn of events, but rest assured I've still been reading your blogs and have tons of entries bookmarked.

Side note: I, on the other hand, have been sidelined by an eye infection. Who knew that one needs eyes for blogging activities! ;)

That emoticon, by the way, is sort of what I look like, with one eye almost swollen shut.

In moments like this, something fast and easy is in order.

I've never knew that you can just use canned chickpeas to make hummus, and discovering this little gem of information certainly made my life easier. Drain a couple cans of chickpeas, add tons of garlic, lemon juice, tahini, olive oil, salt and pepper, et voilĂ !

We like our hummus to be extra garlicky and slightly more tangy from the lemon juice, because that's just how we roll.

Yummus hummus. The word is kind of funny.

We have something even more spectacularly delicious planned for you yummus hummus. Wait and see...

No recipe from us today, but you should check out the hummus recipes (yes, plural) at Choosy Beggars. They're doing it three-way!

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How did we use this hummus?
Chermoula Shrimp, Hummus, Sangack Bread


  1. Aaah! Eye swelling sounds horrible. I hope it is just a viral thing (er, except Herpes) that will go away quickly and with nary a scratch. Take care! :)

  2. sorry for your woes, but hummus certainly will cure whatever ails a person. extra garlic? yes, please. :)

  3. Oh, poor thing. Eye infections are nasty beasts.

  4. You hummus looks great, and haha for yummus hummus!

    Hope your eye is better.

  5. eye infections suck. Sorry to hear you have one. As to hummus, it is Belle's absolute favorite. And, we make it with her all the time.

  6. Hope you feel better! I love hummus and the tangy with olive oil version myself. Great photos.


  7. Thanks for the get-well vibes! =) My eye is back to normal now, woohoo. I guess it's my fault. But my eyes get so $%#%^!$$@#$# itchy (allergies) that I can't help but "scratch" them! And this is *WITH* allergy medication already! So there, boom! Eye infection.

  8. Hope your eye gets better soon.
    Your hummus looks great - wish I had a big scoop of it right now.
