Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Blogger Meet @ Alvin Garden

Yes, that's my attempt at drawing a pepper. Why, you ask?

At someone's urging (no.names.mentioned-ahem-Sherman!), even though I don't have any content, I am posting about a Vancouver food blogger dinner I attended. Of course, I didn't have a camera on me, and hence, no pictures.

The chili pepper? We ate Hunan food (read: spicy) and there were a lot of chili peppers peppering our dishes.

Follow the links to read their accounts of the dinner, and more importantly, to look at great images of the food! There were at least 4 DSLRs being whipped out as each dish arrived.

604foodtography: Alvin Garden - Burnaby, BC
La Petite Vancouver: Alvin Garden
Ho Yummy: Review: Alvin Garden
I'm Only Here for the Food!: Bloggers Dinner @ Alvin Garden
Sherman's Food Adventures: Alvin Garden
The Best Damn Food Blog There Is™: Bloggers are people too

Also in attendance:
Doesn't Tazte Like Chicken

This was great fun. I'm still wondering about the kooky name for the restaurant, though. Looking forward to the next dinner! (Will Sherman organize the next one again? All in favor, say "aye.")

Now, back to our regular scheduled programming.


  1. Oh c'mon, I can lend you some pics. Actually you can get pics from a number of people! LOL...

  2. Aye! :)

    I'm kind of lacking for content as well. I can barely remember what I was eating.

  3. Sherman:
    It'll be like I was making a collage out of other people's pictures!

    But, please, I think I win in the no-content department. ;)
