Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thai Basil Tofu Stir-fry

We love the flavours of our Thai basil so much that we try to do the same sauce with different proteins.

For a simple, no-hassle, even no-fear-of-cross-contamination meal, we used already marinated tofu easily found in Asian grocery stores.

The ingredients get a quick roundabout in a hot wok, and in less than 15 minutes, the dish is ready to serve.

Maybe it's just me, but I like hot and spicy dishes like these with cold rice.


Thai Basil Tofu Stir-fry
Serves 6 (or up to 10, if part of a multi-course meal)

10-20 cloves garlic, crushed or minced
2 to 15 birds' eye chile peppers, crushed or minced
2 pkg (400g) marinated firm tofu, cut into strips
(or plain firm tofu is fine)
2 Tbsp oyster sauce
4 Tbsp fish sauce
1/2 onion, thinly sliced
2 stalks green onions, sliced
handful Thai basil, leaves picked
handful chopped/torn cilantro, optional

Heat oil in a wok or large saute pan over high heat. When hot, add crushed garlic and chile peppers. Stir-fry for around 30 seconds.

Add sliced tofu, then oyster sauce and fish sauce. Add sliced onions and green onions. Stir until the ingredients are cooked through, around 1 to 2 minutes.

Turn off heat. Stir in Thai basil (and cilantro, if using).

Serve with plain white rice. Fried eggs (sunny-side up) would also be great.

Thai creations at [eatingclub] vancouver:
Pad Thai (Tamarind Series, Post #1)
Waterfall Beef Salad
Thai Basil Stir-fry
Thai-marinated Fried Chicken (and the Ultimate Compliment)
Thai Meatballs
Thai Basil Tofu Stir-fry

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  1. I love Thai basil. Sounds great with tofu!

  2. Needs more cilantro. Yummmmmmmmm.

  3. Hmm? Who's afraid of what cross-contamination? Ha ha :) Looks delicious! Pass the rice, please :)

  4. Yum yum...this can be so delicious. Simple tofu yet brought to sophistication by basil:D

  5. I love stir fries with basil too, they give such wonderful flavours. yum yum!

  6. Looks like a great quick meal. I'd have to have it on warm rice though, can't stand cold rice;)

  7. I have never tried the premarinated tofu, but I might now.

  8. I love the flavors in this dish - yum!

  9. wow...yummy looking! How different your stir fry is from mine here:

  10. lisaiscooking:

    Haha, I thought we were already diverging from the "authentic" by adding cilantro. But, if you want more cilantro, we can add more! We do love our cilantro as well.

    Oh, "food safety" is very big here in North America, don't you know? ;)

    Thanks! We don't cook too much with Thai basil, other than this stir-fry, and perhaps San Bei Chicken. So, we should definitely start thinking outside the box in terms of Thai basil usage.

    Haha, I think for me, room-temp rice is OK. Lukewarm, too. Cold-cold, not so much.

    maybelle's mom:
    re pre-marinated tofu: In this case, since the flavors of the stir-fry itself were pretty strong, I think using plain old firm tofu would've worked. Will have to try the marinated tofu "as is", or in a plainer dish.


    Haha... I guess because stir-fries are sometimes a "clean out the fridge" type dish.
