Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chocolate Cake in a Cup

I don't even remember how I came upon this recipe. Seeing it, I thought it was a must-try! Since we we don't bake much and hence, wouldn't have any baked goods lying around the house, I thought this might be a quick fix during those "I really want a chocolate brownie/cake" moments.

Flour, sugar and cocoa powder go into a cup. An egg follows, followed by some oil (or butter, I suppose). Vanilla extract, if you roll that way. In the microwave for a couple of minutes and voilĂ !

Mine was a tad overcooked because I followed the 3-minute cooking time. I will have to microwave it for much less next time. It's not the best, but how can one argue with an instant chocolate craving fix?

Recipe from:

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  1. oh, if chocolate didn't make me sick, I would be in the kitchen making these.

  2. This is perfect for the instant chocolate fix - too bad I don't have a microwave, but I'm sure it'd be fine in the oven... They look like lava cakes - delish!

  3. How indeed? I gotta try this sometime, when I'm wandering around at midnight and need something in a jiffy :)

  4. I have this recipe bookmarked too! i'm dying to try it now!

  5. Cake... in the microwave?? :)
    Oh, this is just the height of instant gratification, isn't it?

  6. OK, I bookmarked this b/c chocolate + instant gratification = a happy WC! ;)

  7. Cool quick-fix for the chocoholics like my husband! Haha! Thanks for sharing!

  8. maybelle's mom:
    Hope you get to enjoy chocolate very soon!

    Hehe, these are bad news. Now one can make chocolate cake whenever, in no time. Although, they are no substitute for real, fudgy brownies. Mmm.

    Haha, that's the bad thing about this. Next thing you know, one will be making chocolate cake left and right. ;)

    Thanks for the heads up. We'll check it out.

    Teehee... people nowadays want everything fast and esy, tsk tsk tsk. LOL.

    Wandering Chopsticks:
    Haha... happy is good!

    No problem. ;)

  9. Yum! Thanks, i'm making this when i get home!!!!

  10. Are there specific measurements? Or is it just like experimenting with the whole thing?

  11. Denise:
    I've placed a link to the recipe within the post.
