Sunday, April 12, 2009

Summer "Leftovers" (April 2009)

kalbi on the grill

Sometimes there are leftover photos that just don't make their way into posts of their own. Here are some pictures from the summer(!) and as summer this year is fast(?) approaching, I figure it's high time they made their way into the sun-/spotlight.

It's "Leftovers" time once again!

JS' Kalbi

Never posted as JS had forgotten the proportions of her marinade!

I'm still testing out the recipe for the exact measurements of the marinade.

Squid Squid Squid

Left: A Vietnamese-inspired stir-fry, as seen before.
Right: And to dress up some watercress.

Sprouted Grain Tortilla Chips

We had to use up all of the sprouted grain tortilla when we made those quesadillas, because we knew that we would never eat them at a later date again.

So, we made them into "chips"... chip-strips!

Grilled Spice-Roast Chicken

We served this chicken to accompany our Watermelon Curry with Cucumber.

To echo the flavors of the watermelon curry, we added paprika, turmeric, coriander and cumin to the chicken marinade, as well as having lemon zest, garlic and olive oil. It was then cooked on the grill.

And, finally, our first-ever Pizza and Calzone!

Whole wheat crust and tomato sauce, with cervelat salami, red peppers, and cheese.


  1. Hmm, I'm still wondering why these didn't get posted as they look fab! Nice work, guys :)
    I'm not sure of kalbi proportions either, but spicy > sweet = salty sounds just about right :)

  2. Wow, all that amazing food we missed out on!

  3. Love all your leftover pix!! mine leftover pix is too blur or not focus!! lol!

  4. Looks awesome! If you happen to recall the marinade recipe for your kalbi, I hope you can submit it to this month;s Wine & Dine blogging event as we're highlighting Korean eats! Details are in my blog's left sidebar.

  5. Love those Leftovers!!!! Chips and pizza are killer!

  6. ooooh. *DROOL*
    I should not be reading this blog before lunch :)

  7. Manggy:
    I don't know... somehow or other they didn't have enough CONTENT on their own. Haha.

    Thanks! =)

    Hahaha... we have a lot of those too! I guess these were the "OK" leftover pictures. =)

    Unfortunately, I think that's lost in the annals of JS' head. She said she needs to make it again and tinker with it. Thanks for the invite!

    JennDZ - The Leftover Queen:
    Hehe... thanks!

    Teehee. =D


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