Friday, February 06, 2009

Prime Rib, Method X, with Parsnips and Brussels Sprouts


Oh. My. Look at that!

We're not really "beef roast" people, usually opting for steaks instead. At least, we've tried roasting hunks of beef and it never gave us the same satisfaction. Except, of course, for prime rib. We've roasted prime rib at home several times before, and they were always delicious, even if we didn't always cook them perfectly.

But, of course, for such a huge hunk of beef and at its expense (I can barely get myself to buy it!), I thought we should come up with a fool-proof prime rib technique.


Method X
I was going through my blog reader a while back and saw a post from Chef John of Food Wishes Video Recipes titled Perfect Prime Rib of Beef with the Mysterious "Method X".

Needless to say, I was very intrigued.

(This was the same site from where I got the method for making Fried Green Tomatoes.)

So, what is Method X?

Method X is used for bone-in prime rib roasts that you want to cook to medium-rare. It works for any size. However, using boneless prime rib roasts has not been tested, nor has changing the doneness.


Let's proceed.

First thing, the prime rib roast must be brought to room temperature. 6 hours was the time allotted for this. However, we couldn't be home early enough for that, so I only had ours out on the counter for 2 hours or so (and hoped that it would be all right).

For seasoning, we simply did salt and pepper. Anything works.

Before putting the roast into the oven, I preheated the oven to 500F.

Next, some math. See, one really does need math out of school!

Take the weight of the hunk o' beef in pounds and multiply it by 5. Ours was 8 pounds, so the resulting number was 40.

This number is the number of minutes that the prime rib cooks for in the 500F oven. So, we put our prime rib roast into the oven and let it cook at 500F for 40 minutes.

Then, after that time is up, one turns off the oven and does not open the oven door for 2 hours.


After the 2 hours, pull out your meat. I don't even know if it needs to rest because essentially, it's been "resting" all this time. But, I let ours rest for a bit.

We wanted to keep the sides simple, so we roasted off some brussels sprouts and parsnips.

Oooh, parsnips!

I've been a fan of parsnips ever since we bought them that very first time and roasted them alongside (or underneath, I should say) chicken and olives. They were so good, slightly sweet like that, with a hint of banana. I've been nagging JS to buy more parsnips... actually, to include them in our rotation of vegetables. But apparently, she says that they're actually "expensive" when compared to other vegetables. Oh well. [sigh]

Back to the beef.

As you can see, the prime rib had a very nice crust. How about the interior? Well, as I was slicing the prime rib, I couldn't help but exclaim out loud with EACH slice: "Ooooh! Wow! It's soooooo juicy!"

Exclaim out loud.

With each slice.

We're Method X believers now. Of course, we would have to think of sides that don't need the oven. (Being us, though, we have no problems just having prime rib with rice.)

The video by Chef John of Food Wishes Video Recipes:
Perfect Prime Rib of Beef with the Mysterious "Method X"


  1. That prime rib looks perfect! And soooo simple. I wouldn't need anything else either.

    I've never tried making it myself. Too expensive vs. too much worry about messing up an expensive cut of beef.

  2. Wow! That looks great!! That Chef John sure is good, and quite handsome as well. I'm a big fan.

  3. Holy Smokes! You cooked your prime rib PERFECTLY!

    It seems like a lot of food... next time if you need an extra belly, you just let me know ;)

  4. I like your style! You always go good meat and loads of vegetables :P

  5. Wow!!! What a beautiful piece of meat... :)

  6. Holy Frig. That looks awesome.
    I've been somewhat intimidated by roasting...well that and I'm just one person....

    You're first sentence was the first words out of my mouth when I saw that.

    Awesome (the meat..the get the idea).


  7. I'm salivating at the look of this Prime Rib...perfectly done.
    You certainly make a good argument for trying this method out.

  8. Oh that looks so perfect & you served it with two of my favorite winter vegetables! I should send you some parsnips, we get so much from the farm

  9. I've never attempted a prime rib, but if I ever do, I'm using Method x!

  10. That is a serious piece of meat. There is a talent to getting it right, and you definitely got it right on the money. Impressive! I have to try your method!

  11. Exactly! I made my first Prime Rib 10 years ago and came across a similar method of preparation, high temp, turn it off, leave in the oven. It has turned out perfectly EVERY time, even the times when dinner guests ran two hours late. I just left it in the oven.....

  12. Method X looks pretty awesome. This rare meat used to scare me in the past, but now I really love it!

  13. this looks amazing. i'm really trying to cut down on my red meat intake, but when i see pieces like this, i really rethink y even bother!

  14. do you know i've never, ever considered making prime rib at home. this post is getting me to seriously reconsider. it's perfectly cooked. and it doesn't need to remind us all of some rubbery, uber-fatty piece of $8.99 special at the local diner.

  15. Ooh thanks! I'm going to try this. I love juicy medium rare meat! Yum!

  16. Oh man that looks incredible! Thanks for sharing the "method". I've never tried making PR at home because 1) it seemed to complicated and 2) it doesn't come in 2 person sizes.

    I think I just need to have a dinner party and invite people over.

  17. Oh. My. God. That looks absolutely ravishing.

    I have only once had prime rib (in a restaurant in rural Illinois) and that blew me away, but now I'm thinking this could be my next dinner party trick...

  18. u roast it so perfectly, the way I like - pink in the center. I'm drooling now ;p

  19. Wandering Chopsticks:
    I know what you mean. It almost hurts to buy a prime rib roast. I try not to look at the price. ;)

    Chef John:
    Hahahaha. Entertaining, as always.

    Hehe, thanks. =)

    Yeah, I guess the being only one person is a good reason not to make prime rib at home. ;)

    Peter M:
    Lori Lynn:
    Before trying it out, I was both optimistic and scared. I'm sold now.

    Wow, "SO MUCH PARSNIPS"!!!

    Ron Merlin:
    Oh, that's good to know! (re leaving in the turned-off oven with no ill effects)

    That medium rare meat was soooo juicy!

    Haha... yeah. I know we're all supposed to eat more fruits and vegetables. But hey, this is an occasional splurge (both tummy-wise and wallet-wise).

    we are never full:
    Prime is the only "roast" I like, I think. Otherwise, I just got for a teak if I need a beef fix.

    Jessica@Foodmayhem said...
    Would love to hear how it turns out for you!

    Marc @ NoRecipes:
    Don't need a special reason to have a party at home, but the prime rib would be a good one! ;)

    Oh man that looks incredible!

    Yes, yes, make it, make it! (And really, only once?)

    Drooling is always a good sign.

  20. Dear Piece of Prime Rib,

    You don't know me but I'm in love with you. It was salivate at first sight.

    May I take you to dinner, if I pick you up at seven would you be rare, I mean ready?

    Beautiful piece of meat!

  21. Kathleen:
    This is the bestest comment EVAR! ;)

  22. I make prime year for my family ever year for Christmas, and the Method X method is the one I have ALWAYS used. It's stupid easy and it renders the most beautiful piece of meat you could ever imagine sinking your teeth into. Perfecto!

  23. Anon:
    I was quite happy to have discovered it as well! Mmm, prime rib!

  24. Making this right now in 2016, with a 6-pounder from RCSS :)
