Thursday, January 22, 2009

Miso Soup

Join me in a brief Japanese interlude.

Heat some dashi in a pot, taking care not to let it boil. In a small bowl, add miso paste and a little bit of dashi and whisk to dissolve. Add to the heated dashi.

Add good things like soft tofu, green onions, and wakame (seaweed).

Aren't you glad you did this?

[eatingclub] Japanese
Dashi, Three Types
Potatoes Simmered in Miso (Jaga-imo Miso-ni)
Simmered Saba Mackerel with Daikon Radish (Saba Oroshi-ni)
Miso Soup
Steelhead Trout and Enoki Mushrooms with Wasabi Cream Sauce
Grilled Brats à la Japadog
Warm Wakame Cucumber Salad
Grilled Eggplant with Sweet Miso


  1. Home-made miso is so good!!! So much better than the instant soup mixes. Perfect on a day like today (at least here in Boston where it's so cold)

  2. Mmm. The wonder of miso.
    Thanks for the calming interlude.

    This is great sick people food. But, it's also fabulous for well people. :)

  3. you are making me hungry. it's time to go home and make dinner.

  4. Simple and sooo delicious!

  5. I used to make a big pot of this when I was single & then keep it & various additions to eat for dinner throughout the week, yummy!

  6. Nice looking miso soup! I have been enjoying some shiitake and spinach miso soup for breakfasts this week.

  7. why have i never tried to make this at home? you make it look so easy.

  8. I love miso soup. Your bowl is making me crave right now!

  9. Mmm.... miso soup.... mmm.... this looks great, and you really do make it look so easy!

  10. I don't have miso soup very often but I am also wanting it right now!

  11. Nothing like fixing it at home...


  12. Thanks for enjoying this interlude with me. =)
