Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Messy Meatball Man-wich

I don't think this post requires a lot of words.

Spaghetti and meatballs are one of my all-time favourite, go-to comfort meals, and I usually get a hankering for it every couple of months.

I think I made this batch of meatballs too soon for my next craving -- which is why I decided putting the meatballs on bread instead.

Hence, this is it, My Messy Meatball Manwich!

I bought a demi-baguette from the store. My breadmaking skills do not extend to shaping baguettes. This is self-awareness talking: I think I know myself enough to not even attempt at a baguette right now. ;)

Pile on the meatballs, with that lusciously red sauce thick with tomatoes and the meatball juice.

Grate more parmiggiano-reggiano on top.


  1. When it comes to meatball sandwiches, I think you nailed it. You don't f*ck with something so simple that tastes SO good. Thanks for making me hungry....and I just finished dinner!!

  2. BTW- the mess is part of the fun, isn't it?!

  3. I absolutely love a good meatball sandwich. Thanks!!!!

  4. your post always suprise me! great job!!

  5. There really is no graceful way to eat a sandwich — sorry, manwich — like that. It looks delicious!

  6. You're right - not a lot of words needed here -t his looks fantastic!

  7. This looks great, as always. Meatball sandwiches are such a staple, but it's hard to do them right.

  8. Sometimes the messier the food, the better it tastes! :)

  9. I have a gripe with TS/JS's camera!! Taking too long to take (really beautiful pictures I have to admit) but by the time I bit into this manwich for a taste, it was cold already! I wish I could be eating one end while they were taking pictures. But then they might have nothing left to take pictures of!

  10. Dang, that looks good! And it's true, the photos speak for themselves!

  11. Meatball sandwiches are one of the best leftover dishes out there...the photo's left me hungry.

  12. I loves alliteration (and the looks of your sandwich of course). Reminds me a lot of my choice Potbelly sandwich, but better.

  13. bb:
    Hahaha... then we have done our job well if you're hungry again!

    Darius T. Williams:
    Fearless Kitchen:
    Peter M:
    Thanks! We would be blushing if not for the tomato sauce all over our faces. ;D

    I don't think it's the picture-taking that made it cold. You were too slow! Hahahaha...

    We're pretty proud of the alliteration ourselves. ;)

    Potbelly sandwich? That sounds intriguing.
