Friday, November 21, 2008

"Leftovers" (November 2008)

Well, it's that time again. Our blogger account is getting clogged up with items that will probably never make it as the star of their own posts. I hereby present, our "Leftovers", the November edition!

Big is beautiful. A huge tomato from Richmond Country Farm Markets.

Tomatoes were used here: Duck fat-sautéed kale.

This was chicken marinaded in Mama's unknown marinade.

JS grilled them and prettified the plate with lemon slices and green onions.

Feta Pork Meatball with Cherry Tomatoes

Black Bean Quesadilla

Some sautéed vegetables...

Chinese Celery Stir-fry

King Oyster Mushroom Stir-fry with bean sprouts and duck broth

Remember that Mango Salad from our Grilled Tilapia with Lime Salt? How about that Guava-Jalapeño Salad from our duck dish? And the Pomegranate-Chipotle Glaze that went with that?

Here they all are!

Guava-Jalapeño and Mango Salads with Pomegranate-Chipotle Glaze

Until the next time...


  1. This is so funny, just yesterday I was wondering what I was going to do with all my "leftovers". So many things don't make it on the site for one reason or another, including blurry images. That being said, I adore leftovers, thanks!

  2. Great idea for 'leftovers'. Many people just look at the photos anyway. Love the guava-jalapeno salads with P-O glaze!

  3. Great idea for 'leftovers'. Many people just look at the photos anyway. Love the guava-jalapeno salads with P-O glaze!

  4. Wow, that's a lot of stuff...I was just thinking today Bout how many cool things you guys make

  5. Nice idea.
    And to think I was actually expecting "leftovers"!! :)

    There's some great stuff here... including that kale sauteed in duck fat. Oh, yum.

  6. These are excellent ways to use leftovers! I have something for you guys on my blog today!

  7. Hi TS - It looks like Mama's unknown marinade should be made known??? ;o)

  8. I'm in love with these love!


  9. Kim:
    Would definitely love to see
    your "leftovers"! =)

    Thanks... I really liked that too (salads + pom glaze) and couldn't bear to get rid of the pictures of it!

    kat said...
    Wow, that's a lot of stuff...I was just thinking today Bout how many cool things you guys make

    November 21, 2008 7:17 AM

    Lo said...
    Nice idea.
    And to think I was actually expecting "leftovers"!! :)

    There's some great stuff here... including that kale sauteed in duck fat. Oh, yum.

    November 21, 2008 9:39 AM

    Thanks for the award! Will try to get it posted soon.

    Haha, that's why we couldn't post it -- because we didn't know what was it in! =D It's no use asking her... she wouldn't remember.

    Darius T. Williams:
    Put together, they can kinda make a meal of their own. =D

  10. I've got like twenty bucks in Canadian change from last time I went to see my brother. Stupid useless change. They should really exchange coins...

  11. LOL!! I thought you said leftover food but didn't cross my mind it's leftover photos..your photos always creative and beautiful..wanna to reach out and grab the mango salad!

  12. There is just so much food and I've overwhelmed!

  13. I have some photos that won't make their own post. What a nifty idea to call it Leftovers!

  14. Sweet Bird:


    Haha... at least we didn't eat all those during the same meal. ;D

    Lori Lynn:
    Should we look forward to your leftovers soon? =)

  15. your "leftovers" look better than my main course haha ;p

  16. A leftovers post - that's such a great idea I may have to borrow it :) Love "Mama's Unknown Marinade" - LOL! But just one complaint - I want the recipe for the pork & feta meatballs!!

  17. noobcook:

    Oh no... the recipe is somewhere in the recesses of JS' brain. I think it had the usual suspects: por, onions, garlic, some breadcrumbs, egg for binding, dry oregano and feta cheese. However, the feta "melts" and oozes out some fat during baking... so perhaps pan-frying is the better way to go.
