Monday, November 03, 2008

Crispy Tofu with Sweet Chili Soy Sauce

Pretty wordless, this one.

This is another recipe that I tested from Jaden's upcoming cookbook (Steamy Kitchen). This simply called for pressing and pan-frying some tofu, then making this wonderfully delicious sweet and spicy soy sauce. I used soy sauce, our own belado, garlic, honey/brown sugar and rice vinegar.

This was a hit!

I only made the quantity as per the recipe. So the biggest problem with the recipe was that it was not enough! We had the gong sisters over and upon trying it, they asked me immediately for the recipe!

For the exact recipe (ingredients and procedure), buy Jaden's book! =)

(Apparently, I am compensating not having a lengthy post by using a lot of exclamation marks!!! But, they're warranted because this really was so good!!!)

Posts featuring recipes tested from Jaden's Steamy Kitchen cookbook:
Tea-smoked Salmon Sandwich with Sweet Dijon Mustard
Shrimp Chips with Five-Spice Beef
Kimchi Fried Rice, an addiction
Crispy Tofu with Sweet Chili Soy Sauce
Sweet Soy Pork with Potato Chips


  1. It looks fantastic and your photo got me drooling ;p

  2. I bet that sweet chili soy sauce was dynamite!


  3. It looks really good! The pictures are great too!

  4. Oh, I love crispy tofu, it was always my favorite thing to get at my favorite thai place in San Francisco

  5. This looks really tasty. My husband would love it, tofu and all.

  6. Who knew tofu could look this pretty? :)

  7. I agree with the exclamation points!!! The tofu looks amazing.

  8. I don't even care that much for tofu, but this looks fantastic!

  9. Oh, that looks so delicious! I love a nice crispy slice of tofu... but that sauce takes a good thing right over the top. I can almost taste it.

  10. Hey TS - Looks just fantastic!

  11. noobcook:
    Drooling is the best compliment! ;)

    Darius T. Williams:
    Now I'm thinking I should make it again -- perhaps as a sauce for some other thing besides tofu.


    Now you made me think of crispy fried tofu as well! I love the "salty-peppery" coating! (That's how it's descirbed in menus here.)

    Fearless Kitchen:
    Food Blogga:
    Now everybody is making me want to eat this right now too!!! =D

    I think: make the sauce and you can serve it with some other fried item. =)

  12. Ooh, soy sauce and honey is always a winning combination. Looks great! :)

  13. let me help you with more exclamation marks...i love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Simple ingredients but full of flavor though it's just tofu.

  15. That looks so good. I'm def picking up that cookbook.

  16. I think you guys should be employed as the tofu PR girls - it woudl be a whole different ingredient with you at the helm :) Beautiful shots.

  17. I guess we're all getting that Steamy Kitchen cookbook, right? Right?

  18. with all that garlic, I know what I won't be getting for weeks! teeheehee. good trade-off I think with just how delicious that looks. you gave Jaden's recipe justice!

  19. I love tofu! This looks really elegant with all the green topping and drizzled of sauce on top. Great to be eaten with warm jasmine rice and sambal kacang (hot peanut chili sauce). YUM!

  20. lalaine:

    Arfi Binsted:
    Ooh, yes! Jasmine rice and (don't know if I've had a peanut chili sauce in a sambal kecang incarnation, but i already know that's good!) sambal kecang! Delicious.

  21. I tested some of Jaden's recipes as well and this was my favorite. And it's not like I love tofu either ;) but this is a fantastic recipe. I always serve it with her ginger scallion rice. Did you try that one out? Also a personal favorite.

  22. ~Madeline~:
    Oh, I didn't test that recipe out (gnger scallion rice). But, I guess I can pour ginger-scallion sauce (like the one for white-cut chicken) over rice. Great idea! =)
