Friday, November 07, 2008

Creamy Chanterelle & Roasted Garlic Pasta

This is actually Creamy Chanterelle, Fennel and Roasted Garlic Pasta.

We had some very nice chanterelles and a shortage of ideas of what to do with it (besides merely sauteing them). We don't really eat creamy sauces often, but do think of them from time to time.

Enter our Cream of Fennel Soup with Parsley Oil. In this "leftovers" stage of its life, what can be more noble than being used as pasta sauce?

left: cream of fennel soup w/ parsley oil; right: roasted garlic

With the soup and our roasted garlic at hand, this dish came together very quickly.

I sautéed the chanterelles, added some roasted garlic, then the cream of fennel soup. I added spaghetti that had just finished cooking and some fresh parsley into the mix and voilà!

Creamy, earthy, savory, fresh.

We're submitting this to Presto Pasta Nights (created by Ruth of Once Upon a Feast). This edition is hosted by Inge of Vanielje Kitchen. [Presto Pasta Nights info]


  1. Hi! This is Beth from 'See Beautiful'. I just wanted to say hello and thanks for stopping by to check out the curry dijon chicken recipe!

    What a fun blog you have!! I was in Vancouver several years ago and I loved the city! I hope to get back there someday.

    Have a great weekend. -B

  2. Oh I *adore* chanterelles! I was the onyl person who went to Oktoberfest in Munich this year and came back not with a T-shirt and a silly hat but with a bag full of fresh chanterelles ;-) They are so chep over there - the ones I bought in Chicago a couple of weeks ago were crazy! Gorgeous pics and sounds delicious.

  3. Talk about soul satisfying...this is looking pretty good!


  4. What an incredible use of leftover soup!

  5. This dish looks fantastic. What a nice way to use up soup! The photos are beautiful as well, like eye candy!

  6. Delicious! And speaking of delicious, congratulations on taking first prize at the RFJ! Well-deserved for a very creative use of ingredients.

  7. First of all Congrats on winning the Joust!!!!! Great job! Those churros were fantastic!

    And concerning the pasta and mushrooms dish... what can I say? Simply delicious :D

  8. You totally rocked the Joust, guys! Good one :)

    And seriously -- you're tempting me bigtime with your lovely wild shrooms. It's almost not fair!

  9. This is really brilliant - I love the idea of turning a leftover soup into a sauce for pasta. The presence of both fennel and mushrooms certainly doesn't hurt!

  10. Fabulous looking pasta dish and you're so lucky to love near where Chanterelles grow.

    Also, congrats on a well-deserved Joust win.

  11. Oh this looks so good...I've never had chantarelles before, they look delicious!

    Congrats on your Joust win!

  12. Great stuff - I just polished off a plate of something similar for lunch! lovely fall flavors.

  13. You lucky ducks! I wouldn't know the first place to find chanterelles around here. I don't have creamy pasta all that often either but with the right ingredients (like, say... chanterelles, fennel, and roasted garlic) it can be really good!

  14. What a fabulous use for your leftover fennel soup!

  15. I always admire your creatives in twisting your meal.

  16. beth:
    Thanks for visiting! =)

    We didn't use to see chanterelles much outside the "specialty" stores. But it seems to be more common now. And they are very nice! =)

    Darius T. Williams:
    matt wright:

    Fearless Kitchen:
    I guess it's because we don't eat cream-based items much. So we couldn't keep downing the cream-based soup anymore and had to use it somehow!

    Robin Sue:
    Thanks! I was surprised how nicely the pictures turned out, haha.

    Thanks! We're happy that we can finally say we won one.

    Peter M:
    Actually, we got them from Costco! It was a surprise to see them there. The Richmond, BC Costco is the best!

    Haha, is it the "Asian" in us that prohibits us from eating too much "creamy" stuff?

  17. This must be so delish! Full of earthy flavors of mushrooms...

  18. Congratulations winning this months Royal Foodie Joust guys. Way to go:D Those churros were fantastic!!

  19. Sounds so flavorful! What I really like is the proportion of mushrooms to pasta, NO skimping on those earthy babies!

  20. Has anyone flagged your blog as having food porn on it? 'Cause if not, I will. This is it. Right here. On my screen. I think this is gonna be my new wallpaper.

    My good gawd, this looks good.

  21. This is doubly my kind of meal, because I hate wasting food and you can almost always make something delish if you're willing to adapt and improvise, and also because I simply love delicious food and this ticks all the boxes: quick, easy, delicious, light, stylish and oh so moreish. Thanks for joining PPN guys, and this is going in my bookmark file.

  22. tigerfish:
    Lori Lynn:
    This is the first time we've cooked chanterelles and it won't be the last.

    Bellini Valli:
    Thanks! =D

    If you start "eatingclub-spotting-gawking", we won't object. ;)

    african vanielje:
    Looking forward to the round-up!

  23. Yum that looks delicious! Just my kind of pasta dish.

  24. wow.. this looks sooo yummy !!!

  25. I do love how pasta turns leftovers into such extraordinary dishes.

    Yours looks absolutely gorgeous and I'm sure tastes just as wonderful. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  26. Gorgeous looking mushrooms! I've had no luck finding fresh chanterelles here.

  27. pasta, chanterelles, roasted garlic and fennel? that is AMAZING. I AM BEYOND IMPRESSED. because i could dive into that bowl of pasta and be a VERY happy woman...

  28. Oh good heavens! This looks unbeleivably delicious--so gorgeous, too. I will eat almost anything with a mushroom in it or on it, but this is going on the autmn "to make" list.

    Thank you for leading me to your beautiful blog--I'll be by often!

  29. The close up of your pasta dish is soooo beautiful, it got me drooling even though I just had a heavy breakfast =D

  30. What a clever use of leftovers. This looks scrumptious.

  31. I'm impressed with how light this looks. The chanterelles and roasted garlic would stand well on their own but adding the cream of fennel soup really takes this up a notch! Nicely done!

  32. Maggie:
    Ours was acually from Costco!

    claudia said...
    Thanky. It was quite a fortuitous convergence of ingredients.

    November 9, 2008 12:27 PM
    Thanks! =)

    Haha, a heavy breakfast shouldn't deter anybody from having more food... or at least, thinking about having more food.

  33. I love mushrooms of all sorts, esp chanterelle's. It looks delicious!

  34. BEAUTIFUL Photos.
