Saturday, October 25, 2008

Stuffed Giant Squid, Two Ways

Stuffed Giant Squid #1

As you know, being lazy, we don't have much patience for stuffing things. JS even found a way to make a faux-stuffed dish. So, after relenting a while ago and stuffing itsy-bitsy squid, I thought, "Never again!" (Or at least, not for a long, long time.)

Then one day, JS mentioned that she bought some squid for me to stuff. (Yes, for me to stuff.)

Fortunately, having a lazy-people-understanding between us, she bought these easy-to-stuff giant squid. (I like compound-word-making, ok?)

Since there were two giant squid, I thought I'd make two different stuffings.

Stuffed Giant Squid #1
Chinese Pork and Rice Stuffing

This was a way to use up leftovers. Actually, I don't think they were leftovers. CSC had some potsticker filling in the fridge (waiting to be used up to make more of her now-famous dumplings), so I "borrowed" a little bit for my filling.

If you remember, that pork mixture had sesame oil, green onions, ginger, soy sauce and napa cabbage (among other incidental things). I simply grabbed a little bit and sauteed it in a pan, then added some cooked rice.

I also threw in some chooped chives. Ta-da!

Stuffed Giant Squid #2
Kale, Cervelat Salami and Potato Stuffing

Caldo verde (a Portuguese soup of potato, kale and chouriço) is a favorite of mine; I do wish to make it more often. However, I've learned that besides JS and me (and maybe CSC), nobody else in the house eats it. (I don't know why. I mean, it's so good!)

So, I decided to make this caldo verde-esque stuffing for the squid instead.

We didn't have chorizo or anything similar; the closest thing I had on hand was some cervelat salami (kept on hand specifically as an accompaniment to corn toasties). I added slices of salami to a pan and added some shredded kale. I cooked it until the kale was wilted. Then, I added the very small amount of mashed potatoes left over from my Duck Coop Pie.

I stuffed each giant squid with their respective stuffings, closing up the holes with toothpicks, and simply pan-fried them, turning until all sides are cooked. Look, they're so funny-looking, all rotund like that.

(I scored the outside but didn't really make clear crosshatches, since my knife was dull but I didn't want to press hard for fear of cutting through.)

They were both very nice. The kale-salami-potato-stuffed squid was a tad chewy because I left it on the heat for too long; I was busy taking pictures of the squid #1. Next time, I'll have to add egg to the stuffings for binding purposes. Otherwise, I have no complaints.

Now I have no fear of stuffing squid, as we'll probably always use giant squid for that purpose. We'll save the itsy-bitsy squid for non-stuffed purposes.

Stuffed recipes:
Mediterranean Stuffed Leg of Lamb
Stuffed Peppers (Lamb and Rice)
Stuffed Squid (braised in tomato sauce)
Faux=stuffed Basa Fillets with Olives, Tomatoes, Lemons and Oranges
Stuffed Giant Squid, Two Ways
Stuffed Savoy Cabbage with Pork

Pork filling recipe can be found here:
Shanghai Potstickers, Faux Siu Mai and "Huo Tyeh" (aka CSC's Chinese Dumplings)

Pork filling usage:
Stuffed Giant Squid, Two Ways
Torta with Pork and Kecap Manis
Stuffed Savoy Cabbage with Pork


  1. How cool! I especially like the one with the pork & rice filling

  2. ooh, you made your little squid look like a poached pear - lovely stylin'!!

    your site is looking more and more beau-ti-ful every post!

  3. I feel similarly about stuffing and well I too am a lazy one... but the second stuffed squid is my particular favorite, I don't think I would ever put together potato with squid.

  4. I never seen anything like this before. Looks awesome.

  5. What a great use of leftovers! I can't even find small squid, so I know I can't find giant squid!

  6. your squid look classic! I like your extra work stuffing rice into it!

  7. beautifully done! =) the tiny ones i love in adobo.. or with gata!

  8. I must confess I've only eaten squid when it was fried into submission! This looks really delicious and I love how the first dish looks like a gorgeous stuffed pear. This is one to book mark and try for sure.

  9. I can't decide!!! I want both!!!!

  10. I've never bought giant squid before because I am afraid the texture would be tough and chewy. I don't cook stuffed squid either. Always in adobo or gata :)

  11. The rice-filled one reminds of maki. I've never stuffed squids before, these make me want to start. They look delicious!

  12. love this! in fact, i love stuffed squid any way. we did one a while back stuffed w/ morcilla (spanish black pudding) and it was fabu!

    i want myself some giant squid. i already know what i want to make w/ it...

  13. kat:
    I didn't think the giant squid would look that cute all stuffed up. =)

    Kyle @ Yumoh:
    Thanks!! And haha, I think the poached pear reference wasn't intentional.

    maybelle's mom:
    I think the key now is just to find larger and larger items to stuff. =)


    Oh no! Squid are good; they make their own "juice" when cooked! Sometimes we buy them fresh, but mostly, frozen.

    Oh yeah! We have to try making squid adobo! Do you use the ink?

    Erinn @ SundayDish:
    We look forward to your non-fried squid adventures. =)

    That's the spirit! Yes, why choose? =D

    I think non-lazy people (meaning, not me) would have no problem stuffing squid. We would love to see your stuffed ones!

    We Are Never Full:
    Yes! We did see that and that dish of yours opened the door for us; that is, it led us to CONSIDER stuffing squid (even though we knew we were lazy). Looking forward to your stuffed giant squid.

  14. I love your squids, they looks so yummy. The pictures are great. I have to make them one day when I have friends over as my hubby does not eat squids and for that reason I am not eaten for a long time, kind of miss them.

  15. mmmm ... Genius. I've been meaning to reproduce a dish of squid stuffed with sausage and braised in red wine that I had at a favorite resto here. Very different of course nut just demonstrates how versatile these little sea beasties be.

  16. janetching:
    Oh no, too bad! Or you can get a small amount of squid and make them for yourself. Teehee.

    Would love to see that sausage-stuffed red wine-braised version.

  17. I want to lick my screen, I want my screen to become real. That stuffed squid makes me feel sad that I cannot eat it :(

  18. cynthia:
    Awww. =) I'm sure you'll make an even scrumptious version!

  19. You are right - life is generalyl too short to stuff anything... but with these giant squid it's quite doable. I love that second filling - fabulous!

  20. Jeanne:
    Teehee, I love how you put it: "life is generally too short to stuff anything." I think I'll steal that quotation.

  21. You should go to Chengdu, Sichuan of China to try their food if you like spicy food.

  22. serena:
    That's quite a trip... hard to come to fruition.
