Thursday, October 02, 2008

Semi-Lime-Cooked, Semi-Yucatecan Shrimp with Garlic Chips

It's that time again... time for a smackDOWN!!!

We missed the previous month's First Thursday at Thursday Night Smackdown, so we had to do something this month. The theme: the color orange.

For our entry, we turn again to Bittman's Best Recipes in the World.

I was torn between two recipes. Well, not so much torn as a little befuddled. One was Lime-Cooked Fish/Shrimp with Crisp Garlic (Mexico) and the other was Garlic Shrimp, Yucatecan Style (Mexico too, obviously).

Lime-Cooked Shrimp called for frying some garlic slices first, then adding shrimp and dried chiles to the now garlicky oil. A good dose of lime juice also goes in. The finished dish is bam'd(!) with cilantro and more lime juice.

Yucatecan Garlic Shrimp also called for frying some garlic slices (double the amount). Then, the shrimp is sautéed in the garlicky oil and served with raw tomatoes and cilantro.

"They're virtually the same!", I think to myself. So, I morphed the two recipes together to make Semi-Lime-Cooked, Semi-Yucatecan Shrimp with Garlic Chips.

First up, frying up garlic.

Into a pan went a glug of oil. When it was hot, I added the garlic slices. I tell you, these moments were the most fear-filled moments of my cooking life! I was so afraid these thin garlic slices were going to burn! Especially nerve-wracking were those last moments trying to fish out the remaining garlic chips in the pan; we have bad, bad utensils! But, fortune smiled on me. I sprinkled the garlic chips with salt and turned my attention to the shrimp.

I heated the same pan (with the garlicky oil), then added the shrimp and not quite as large an amount of lime juice as in the Lime-Cooked recipe. The recipe called for about 1/2 cup of lime juice. I merely used 2 limes.

When it was cooked, I bam'd(!) it with some parsley (because we, for some reason, didn't have cilantro; insane). No raw tomatoes to serve alongside (no tomatoes present either), only some lime wedges. The garlic chips were scattered on top of the dish.

Semi-Lime-Cooked, Semi-Yucatecan Shrimp with Garlic Chips!
(I should have my own cookbook.)

It was good.

(We had some chimichurri and you bet I used that as a condiment. Does that make this an Argentinian Mexican dish?)

[eatingclub] vancouver Mexican
Tacos... then
Tacos... now
Chicken Tortilla Soup
Semi-Lime-cooked, Semi-Yucatecan Shrimp with Garlic Chips
Chicken, Broccoli and Cheese with Pipían Verde
Quickie Turkey Tortilla Soup
Tacos of Carnitas with Pineapple, with Roasted Salsa and Sweet Potato
Shrimp a la Mexicana (Camarones a la Plancha)
Enchiladas Verdes
Cilantro Horchata
Strawberry Cilantro Salsa, on Grilled Flank Steak
Mexican Ancho Guajillo Chicken
Chipotle Ground Turkey on Flour Tortilla
Tacos... again (July 2009)
Tacos al Pastor with Chipotle Peanut Salsa
Tacos with Beer-braised Carnitas Filling
Shredded Beef and Tripe Tacos
Duck Enchiladas with Chipotle Peanut Salsa
Blueberry Tres Leches Cake
Crab Tostada
Homemade Mexican Chorizo Sausage
Torta (Mexican Sandwich)

We're submitting this to First Thursday: ORANGE at Thursday Night Smackdown.

First Thursday posts:
Mario's Pine Nut and Ricotta Tart
Radishes, Three Ways
Semi-Lime-Cooked, Semi-Yucatecan Shrimp with Garlic Chips
Lemon Feta Dip
Chicken Marsala


  1. I love shrimps! And this dish is making me drool now... :) Odes not matter which nationality, this looks yummilicious!

  2. this sounds great & i love the whole cook with what you got to make it into something great thing you've got going on.

  3. This looks great! I love the garlic "chips" - they burn easily, but when they're done right they're sooo good!

  4. Ooh. Nice small plates fare going on here.

    LOVE the garlic chips. So good.

  5. The garlic chips win me over here. Shrimp rocks but the garlic chips make it roll...right down my throat!

  6. Garlic chips! It takes patience to make those. Recently, I made something similar with garlic and shrimps too.

  7. Ning:
    Haha, yeah. Use kalamansi instead of lime and this could be a Filipino dish!

    That happens when one gets lazy "planning" meals. We have to use up whatever's there. =)

    Fearless Kitchen:
    Peter M:
    This was the first time I've attempted to make garlic chips. I was scared, but it was worth it. ;)

    Great mind think alike!

  8. Oooh, this would be one for my shrimp loving hubby, and I must remember those garlic slices, my son would love them on his pizza!!

  9. Wow! I've got to go look back through The Best Recipes in the World!

  10. This is my favourite dish!! shrimp and garlic chip!!.I never miss my dish without garlic!! I wanna some noe!!

  11. I'll try this out next time we have shrimps. We just had some the other day but I was being lazy so it's just quickly pan fried.

  12. love garlic chips! i love the slightly bitter crunch.

  13. Love the seasonings. So a glug of oil is the official measurement huh? What is that, like, 18 milliliters? :)

  14. I was just thinking of making garlic chips. And now that I 've seen yours, gotta make them like, right now!

  15. wow yum! i dont care even if i wont be allowed to kiss anything after this hehe

  16. The dish looks great. But I can't get over that photo of the garlic chips! They look amazing!

    Good luck on the Smackdown!

  17. nicisme:
    Ooh, that would be some fancy pizza indeed.

    Haha, Bittman has some good stuff. =D

    Yes, we are also a very garlic-intensive family.

    I had to make sure the garlic chips made their way to the shrimps and not get devoured on the way there!

    I do like to be extremely precise. It's just in my nature. ;P

    Mochachocolata Rita:
    Haha. That's dedication on your part!

    Thanks! They're cute with that hole in the middle of them. =)

  18. OMG - I am SO making those garlic chips!
