Monday, October 06, 2008 limbo land

Hi all!

We're still in limbo land.

First priority: get the kitchen organized and ready to go! We haven't done any cooking at all, or anything remotely close. We have yet to transfer our pantry contents and fridge/freezer contents to the new house. (Should be done by tonight.)

On the other hand, our new stovetop and oven look mighty fine. We now have 6 burners. Woohoo.

random photo: market loot that may look familiar to you =)

Oh, we also do not have internet access yet. I think it may take another week. Uh-oh, internet withdrawal.

We'll try to catch up on reading posts and commenting/responding to comments soon, we hope! We may or may not be able to post during this week ourselves. (We have a backlog of dishes from summer as it is! Yikes.)



  1. Good luck finishing the move. We did a cross country one last year & know just how much fun it is

  2. Good luck getting settled in! 6 burners, ahh kitchen heaven!

  3. Good luck with the last of the moving and hopefully your internet is up soon!! I am more than jealous of your six burner stove!

  4. take it easy with your moving!! wowo!! 6 stoves?how come?.mine only have 4 stoves?lol!..looking forward to your new home:) good luck!

  5. Jealous of your loot. Can share?

  6. Enjoy it while disconnected!!!! Life is out there ;D

    Those veggies look fantabulous :D

  7. 6 burners!!! i am green with envy! T_T

  8. Good luck with your move, and YAY for 6 burners!

  9. My meager, under-btu'd four burners and four feet of counter space are very envious of your new food digs. Enjoy!!

  10. Good luck! I hate moving. Still haven't finished unpacking from my move more than a year ago.

    And I want those blueberries now!

  11. Sounds like the move will at least net you some lovely improvements!

    Here's to surviving! Hope everything is smooth sailing from here.

  12. Thanks everybody! =D

    Yikes! Cross-country!

    Wandering Chopsticks:
    Yes, moving is not our forte, not really having done much of it. Everything's ugh! Hehe.
