Monday, October 20, 2008

Herbes de Provence, with thanks

Fragrant herbes de Provence in a lovely pouch.

It's always nice to get "real" mail or packages, especially as they seem to be a dying breed. How very exciting when one day in early September, we received this package from Dhanggit (of Dhanggit's Kitchen).

Smelling that heady scent of dried rosemary and lavender-y herbes de Provence brought a bit of sunny Provence to rainy Vancouver.

We also received this book on cakes. We are definitely not bakers, let alone cake decoraters, but the cakes in the book are so cute. We vow to make at least one and post about it. Of course, that will probably take a while; maybe in a year? ;)

An easier task is to put those herbes de Provence to good use. We have one idea, but do need more suggestions. Anybody? Thanks in advance.

Many, many thanks to Dhanggit for sending these over to us. Hopefully someday we're able to visit the south of France. Someday.

French/French-inspired Dishes, from the early days
Prawns with Tarragon and Orange
Pork Chops with Grainy Dijon and Capers
Provençal Onion Tart
Trout Grenobloise


  1. I was the same, I never decorated any cupcakes before, but after i tried the Halloween cupcakes, i simply love it!! So give it a try, may be you will love it too ;-))

  2. I think you will have no problem baking and decorating cakes. You two are so creative! This will just be a piece of cake (for you)! :)

  3. Dhanngit rocks...look at the wonderful care package she sent!

  4. I suspect that you both will find that you are not only good bakers but will be good decorators.

  5. What a sweet care package (sorry for the pun.) So, should I be expecting a whole new [baking club] vancouver?

  6. What fun!!
    And what great new territory cake baking would be. Maybe you can create a lovely Herbs de Provence cake :)

    Seriously, though. We just discovered Herbs de Provence fairly recently, and are in love. I can't think of anything much better than a chicken roasted with a sprinkle of French heaven on top!

  7. I've never used herbs de provence before, but i've seen many recipes for roast chicken that uses it. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  8. Giada makes a roast turkey with them that is really good.

  9. I just got herbs de provence as a gift the other day. Aren't they fabulous?

  10. ah, i love getting real mail. it stomps getting email right into the ground. :)
    meanwhile, i don't have much experience with herbes de provence, but i look forward to seeing what you do with yours!

  11. LOL - sooo, I love these herbs. they can be used in soooo many things!


  12. "It's always nice to get "real" mail or packages".....especially when it reminds you of France and the warm Provençal sun....oh, and good food!! Isn't it nice to have friends who get it?!

  13. I can smell that herbes de Provence pouch from here!! Wow.
    Damn, I miss south of France. Dhanggit is the coolest.. Lucky you! :-)

  14. Jin Hooi:
    Actually, I don't think the decorating is the problem; it's the baking part. Haha.

    I like the pun. ;)

    Peter M said...
    Dhanngit rocks...look at the wonderful care package she sent!

    October 20, 2008 4:31 AM

    We just hope.

    maybelle's mom:
    Haha, probably not... but I guess one never knows.

    Oh! Roast chicken! (And turkey. JS just made some (chk) the other night... before checking the comments for this post! =)

    It'll be a learning experience for us with these herbes de provence.

    Zen Chef:
    That lavender has quite a heady aroma! Never been to the south of France... soon, I hope?

  15. What a wonderful package - like having a food-blogging fairy godmother :)
