Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yellow Beans, English Peas, Radish and Dill Salad

Market Loot to-do:
Pesto Potato & Green Bean Salad -- done!

Here's the next cast of characters from the market.

Yellow Beans,

radishes (again, inherently pretty!),

English peas,

and dill.
(It's playing "Where's Waldo?" among the other herbs.)

I used one pot of salted boiling water to blanch the yellow beans, then the shucked peas. I sliced the radishes and made a simple lemon vinaigrette with a ton of dill. This came together fast.

I must say, this is so pretty! Precision or delicacy isn't my strong suit when it comes to creating or designing anything, but I think this looks very pretty and delicate; very lady-like.

(The taste packs a big punch with the lemon and dill, though! I guess a little bit of me managed to get itself through to the dish, haha.)

But, I give credit to those yellow wax beans and radishes. They're pretty on their own without any help from me.

We're submitting this post to Weekend Herb Blogging, a world-wide food blogging event created by Kalyn's Kitchen with the goal of helping each other learn about cooking with herbs and unusual plant ingredients.

If you'd like to participate, see
who's hosting next week. WHB is hosted this week by Gretchen of Canela y Comino.


Market Loot Series
Pesto Potato and Green Bean Salad
Yellow Beans, English Peas, Radish and Dill Salad
Grilled Corn
Fried Green Tomatoes
Chimichurri with Flank Steak


  1. These photos are just awesome...I have never seen a yellow bean before.

  2. Gorgeous salad but forgive me of I pick out the radishes, k?

  3. You've done the brilliant colors and perfect clarity thing with your photos again! I think I might be going as green as those herbs with envy right now!!! :)

  4. So colorful and beautiful! I'm not too fond of radishes (kinda bland for me) but my husband insists that they are good and healthy. He's asked me to buy some to play with in the kitchen so I may try this recipe out. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow you had me at that first photo! Absolutely gorgeous colors. And delicious sounding too. I love dill and have plenty in the garden. The radishes will give a special crunch too. Thanks for the recipe.

  6. You guys are just way too healthy with this amazing salad kick you're on!

  7. This looks really delicious. My husband really likes radishes... and dill... He would really enjoy this dish.

  8. Wonderful dish! I like all the ingredients.

    Next time, see if you can find some different radishes. Some of them can be sweet, some of them pack some serious heat.

  9. Like a lady, pretty and delicate but who packs a punch... Where's that lady? I want her! I want her! Is it you really? Haha. Disposable income helps too. Hehe. In the meantime, I'm happy to share a romance with your gorgeous salad. Bright, fresh and crisp flavors.. I love it!

  10. I looooove the colors in this dish!! That vinaigrette sounds fantastic with all those flavors.


  11. Nina:
    Thanks! They're more or less like green beans. Perhaps a little milder in color... and so very pretty. =)

    Peter M:
    Haha. Sure. Am not too big a fan of it as well.

    That's funny: "insists they are good and healthy." Haha.

    Ah, but that's because the upcoming dish won't be as "healthy". ;)

    Zen Chef:
    Then too bad... income is not so disposable. Haha.

  12. Yum! I love all of those ingredients, and I sure could stand to eat more salad. That looks wonderful.

  13. wow, what a terrific medley of vegs and herbs! I've never seen yellow beans before ... how unusual and pretty. And the radishes are just sooo adorable :D

  14. I just found your blog. What a treat. Amazing photos, great recipes!! I can't wait to check out the Herb Blog.

  15. I just buy a pack of radish like your for $1 on sale but have no idea what to do with it.Now I know what to do with it! thank you:))

  16. I have never seen yellow beans either, and we do not have that kind of radish here... :( but I can use the lemon vignarette on other ingredients we have here...

  17. It looks so good. I love those yellow beans. I'm very sad that my dill is all gone this year. Next year I need to plant a lot more!

  18. Oh, how gorgeous! Those colours are pretty and girly as you say and I can just imagine the lovely crunchy texture. There were yellow beans at Borough Market here in London this weekend and now I think I should have bought them...
