Saturday, September 06, 2008

Roast Duck Legs with Cabbage-Portobello Pappardelle

(or what JS wanted to call "Quick Quackin' Pasta")

So, remember those legs?
(Poor duck, first it was breastless. Now, legless!)

leg 1 of 2

We thought to plop it onto something like this.

Becoming this.

This is basically a vegetable "stir-fry" with some pasta thrown in. First, some pancetta, portobellos and thyme.

They're thrown into a pan with some garlic. The cabbage joined them not long after.

We still had some of our tomato pasta (from our Ravioli "Caprese") in the freezer. We thawed it and made some pappardelle.

After cooking them quickly in salted boiling water, they went into the "stir-fry".

So there you go. Roast duck leg with cabbage-portobello pappardelle.

We're submitting this to Presto Pasta Nights (created by Ruth of Once Upon a Feast). She's also this edition's host! [Presto Pasta Nights info]

$5 Utility Duck Series
All the following made from one duck!
Duck Breast with Pomegranate-Chipotle Glaze and Guava-Jalapeño Salad
Duck (Interim)
Roast Duck Legs with Cabbage-Portobello Pappardelle
Duck Fat Potatoes
Duck Tortellini in Brodo

Other [eatingclub] vancouver Duck dishes:
Duck Shepherd's Pie, or "Duck Coop Pie"
Duck and Orange Crêpes with Orange-White Wine Sauce
Duck Stock Risotto with Portobello & Chard, with Hazelnut Gremolata
Shredded Duck and Rice Noodle Soup
Duck Enchiladas with Chipotle Peanut Salsa


  1. Wow, this meal looks so good. It has been ages since I have had duck and can't wait till it gets a touch cooler to give my hand at one.

  2. Galing naman. You did all of these duck dishes w/ a 5 bucks duck. Good job!

  3. what a stunning presentation, it looks like you are at a restaurant

  4. Oh my word it looks amazing. I like the name Quick Quackin Pasta's really beautiful!

  5. Duck is my favorite. It is always my choice when it's on the menu in a restaurant.

    You duck tower looks awesome, I love the textures and colors.

  6. Oh. My. God.

    That's all I have to say. Stop being so amazing, ok?

  7. whoa - that is a serious meal!

    the pappardelle actually looks like yellow american cheese peeking out. i actually did a double take and had to re-read the post to make sure that wasn't what it was. that duck skin makes me want to chomp into it.

  8. ... mouthwatering!

    You certainly gave it a tongue-twister name though ... cabbage-portobello pappardelle ... say that three times fast :-)

  9. That is the most artistically arranged pasta dish ever!

  10. This one skinny duck has given so much to the world!

    I'm going to echo sweet bird up above. You girls are just amazing!!!

  11. This meal look like 5 star dish!!look great with all the combination!!

  12. Ok, that is one of the best looking things I've seen in a while. I think I need a napkin or something to wipe my chin. YUM.

  13. wow this sounds so nice. Though I am starting to think you guys found the biggest utility duck ever--will there be more duck recipes? j/k

  14. Now that's what I call a delish tower :D
    Stunning as always!

  15. Totally innovative, I love it.

  16. Inspired!! Everything on that plate looks spectacularly good.

  17. I'm guessing you had some fun keeping that stack up right for the photo! lol

    Great dish and you make cooking duck look easy...I'm game!

  18. joseph:
    Yeah, I know! Sulit na sulit!

    sweet bird:
    Haha, thanks.

    maybelle's mom:
    That duck just likes to keep on giving.

    peter m:
    Again, welcome back! Can't wait to see/read about your Grecian adventures. ;D

    And yes! That duck leg was stubborn and didn't want to stay on top of the pile!

  19. Now thats high end fabulous pasta you got. Duck with Pappardelle is an awesome combo.
