Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our Feeds? Bloglines? Problem?

Does anybody else have any issues with our feeds? We use Bloglines.com and we're not getting our feeds, both for posts and comments. (That is, feeds from http://www.eatingclubvancouver.com/.) Hmmm. We don't know where to even begin remedying this. I don't know if it's a Blogger problem or a Bloglines problem. That Blogger "Help" section doesn't seem to be much help, and I can't find any contact information. I tried Google Reader and that seems to be receiving our feeds without any problems. Weird.


  1. sorry I can't help..I have no clue what is my feed or how to feed it at all..maybe I can learn a thing or two from your readers comment here:))

  2. I'm using google reader, no problems :)

  3. If Google Reader is receiving your feeds sounds like a Bloglines problem, not a Blogger problem. Hope you'll get at the bottom of this!

  4. I'm getting your feeds just fine through Safari...

  5. I think it's a Feedburner thing, mixed with Blogger. Somehow I've got you in my Netvibes page without Feedburner, and you come up fine. For other Blogger sites, the feedburner links go the to comments page for the post?? :(

  6. Thanks, all! Good thing other readers have no issues. Hopefully we can figure it out.

  7. Multiple feeds (more than half) from other RSS-feeds don't get through to me either since 27th september. Others do. Very annoying

  8. Yup - this is a problem because I just happened to log into bloglines and now you have 8 posts that I've never seen blefore...definitely a blog lines issue!

  9. Lieven said...
    Yes, that's the same problem we have. Argh!

    Darius T. Williams:
    Wha's wrong with them!? We tried "reporting a problem" but never heard back.

  10. As the publisher, contact Bloglines and let them know your readers who use bloglines are not receiving your feed and it is damaging your business. Include a link to your feed, and ask them to fix asap. Contact bloglines here:


  11. anonymous:
    Thanks for the tip. We contacted them before without a response yet. But we're going to contact them again with more etailed information.
