Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Duck (Interim)

Oh, Little Ducky, we have so much planned for you.

Any guesses on what this is?

I roasted the rest of the breastless bird (including the legs) until they were brown.

I reserved the legs. Look at them hams! Oops, wrong animal.

Then, the rest went into some water to make broth.

And yes, of course, of course, I saved the duck fat from the roasting pan. Look how white and lovely it is.

To all the fat-maligners out there, how can something so beautiful, so white, so pure be that bad for you? ;)

Onto the next duck dish!

$5 Utility Duck Series
All the following made from one duck!
Duck Breast with Pomegranate-Chipotle Glaze and Guava-Jalapeño Salad
Duck (Interim)
Roast Duck Legs with Cabbage-Portobello Pappardelle
Duck Fat Potatoes
Duck Tortellini in Brodo

Other [eatingclub] vancouver Duck dishes:
Duck Shepherd's Pie, or "Duck Coop Pie"
Duck and Orange Crêpes with Orange-White Wine Sauce
Duck Stock Risotto with Portobello & Chard, with Hazelnut Gremolata
Shredded Duck and Rice Noodle Soup
Duck Enchiladas with Chipotle Peanut Salsa


  1. Eek, duck fat! Please please please roast some potatoes in it!

  2. oh i love everything in a duck...from skin to it's sinful fat :-) my brain is already imagining lots of delicious recipes!

  3. Hah, I only wish I were so lucky as to get duck fat easily. Yum. In fairness, the other white, pure, creamy things-- cream cheese, mascarpone, whipped butter-- all not very good for you! ;)

  4. Hola EatingClub!!!!
    I adore duck in any ways!!!! I'll take a look at all your recipes :D Got some duck I bought recently in a farm near the place I spent my holidays. The meat is soooo good!

    Great idea to start the stock with the roasted pieces; I always do it raw, but I bet it improves the flavour and taste a lot :D

  5. ahhhhh that's duck fat? A question only the noob-est of cooks will ask: How is it extracted? :P Can't wait to see what other lovely ducky dishes you sisters are whipping up ^^

  6. Can't believe that I am saying this. But the fat is lovely!

    What do you do with that? Sorry I haven't looked through all your other ducky entries

  7. I may have tried cooking duck once so I will be watchjing your posts closely for tips:D

  8. I've always wanted to make duck. For some reason, it's one of those things I avoid. I guess I think I'll screw it up somehow!

  9. gotta cook french fries in that duck fat!

  10. Mmm... duck... Maybe that's what we'll do this weekend.... I love using left-over duck (or chicken, or turkey) for stocks. It makes every stock come out a little different. I made some from leftover duck with pomegranate glaze and you can still taste a little bit of the pomegranate in every dish I make from it. Not a lot, not overpowering, but just enough to barely notice.

  11. That'll teach that cheap and trashy utility duck to have skinny breasts! :)

    (you gotta love the duck fat - we dressed a salad with roast duck drippings on Monday night. It was great, but now we're all waiting to have heart attacks!)

  12. I can't wait to see what you do with the duck fat, and the broth for that matter!

  13. I agree with Vicki, some roasted potatoes are in your near future!

  14. Duck fat and roast potatoes = heaven!!!!! Wishing I could get my hands on a duck right now.....

  15. YUM. Potatoes in duck fat are heaven.

  16. Duck fat is better than butttahhh!

  17. long island duck is quite famous but I never make my own duck.Your post iniated me to now!!hehehe!!

  18. That has got to be the sexiest duck fat picture I have ever seen! Love it!

  19. ok - i just did my usual when i visit your blog. i try and catch up and i am amazed by the food you guys are churning out.

  20. fat=goodness...and bad-ness (not a word, i know), but oh well!

  21. Ah ah ah! What a funny post! Of course it can't be bad for us! Pass the potatoes, let's roast some!

  22. I don't even like duck and there's a rumbly in my tumbly. Whoa.

  23. I LOVE DUCK FAT!!!!!!!!!

    whatcha gonna do with it? confit? fries fried in duck fat?

  24. It is great to know someone who has no fear of animal fats. My sister in law roasts potatoes in roast duck fat. They are delicious.

  25. Yes to all, duck fat + potatoes is in the works! How could we not?

    duck skin chicharon! Oooh.

    Yeah, I've never had duck fat while living there. (Not sure if I've even had duck there!)

    When we roasted the duck, we kept draining off the fat.

    Andie Summerkiss:
    Duck fat can just be used as a fat source while cooking, like oil or butter. Duck fat and potatoes go
    really well together!

    Yeah, we've never really cooked duck at home until now. JS keeps saying that we should, but I kept resisting. Hehe.

    Fearless Kitchen:
    Duck & pomegranate: nice!

    Tom Aarons:
    The best thing is not to think about it. Haha. Good thing we don't use BUTTER a lot... at least minimize the fear factor. ;D

    You know what, same here. It's been so long since I smelled duck (since we don't cook it at home). But when we roasted it and made the stock, it all came back! It smells so good.

    cook eat FRET:
    Thanks, we try. I fear we won't be churning out as much in the fall/winter. Summer fun time's over!

    I don't mind animal fat as long as it's in its melted form; not *too* fond of solid animal fat.

  26. Mmm, white gold! My supply is nearly empty...I really need to get another duck soon to fix that at once! Once I had a good sized jar going, nearly every potato dish wound up using a dollop of that delicious stuff. Its like a drug

  27. mmmmm, duck fat. And it really isn't that bad for you. The Gascon Paradox is living proof of this.

  28. Duck fat - yeaaaah! As you say, how can something so pure be so bad?? Love the pics of the roasting duck bits. I always roast my duck whole and on a bed of potatoes and pancetta, so much of the fat ends up flavouring those, instead of reserved for future cooking - still, it's worth it.


  29. mike:
    It goes quick! Just a batch of potatoes and it's almost all gone!

    True. Those processed foods are the ones that are bad!

    Hey, so you can save the residual duck-bacon fat. Whoa.
