Thursday, September 25, 2008

Caper Salad

Not long after Peter of Kalofagas returned from summer in Greece, he wrote about this caper salad. The moment I saw it, I knew I had to make it. (Hello! Capers!)

The recipe called for boiling potatoes then mashing them with capers, green olives, garlic, wine vinegar, red onions, chives, dill, oregano and olive oil (of course). So, I did just that! Well, we didn't have green olives on hand, so I just went heavy-handed with the capers. We even had Greek olive oil and so used that.

It was easy to make and of course, utterly delicious. I especially liked the convenience of serving it at room temperature.

It was so good that CSC didn't even have a second thought in betraying our super-appetite-stoker: we had some grilled flank steak and chimichurri (again!) during the same meal and she completely shunned the chimichurri! She said she liked her steak just with this caper salad. (I repeat, she shunned chimichurri, that super-appetite-stoker!)

Grand endorsement, indeed!

The complete recipe is here: Caper Salad from Kalofagas

eatingclub vancouver Greek
"Greek" Calamari
Simple Greek Meal
Caper Salad
Greek Meatball Soup (Giouvarlakia)
Marinated Feta
Greek Shrimp with Feta
Greek Ribs with Tzatziki
Mushroom Ragu Pastitsio
Spanakorizo (Greek Spinach Rice)
Zucchini Ribbons Salad with Anchovy Dressing
Souvlaki (Pork and Chicken)
Tomato Bread Salad, Greek-style
Grilled Fish Fillet on Oregano
Pastéli (Greek Sesame Snaps)

We're submitting this post to Weekend Herb Blogging, a world-wide food blogging event created by Kalyn's Kitchen with the goal of helping each other learn about cooking with herbs and unusual plant ingredients.

If you'd like to participate, see
who's hosting next week. WHB is hosted this week by Haalo of Cook (almost) Anything At Least Once.


  1. Ts, I so happy that you enjoyed the caper salad...wasn't it yum?

    Your presentation is outstanding and I know it didn't last long in the plate.

    Again, thank you!

  2. My husband is a fan of capers and so I'll have to try this out! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. It does sound just wonderful; great photo. I'm on a caper kick here too, just made an eggplant with caper vinaigrette that I'll be posting soon.

  4. I love a really good caper - and I'm sure this salad has to be great!


  5. Peter M:
    It's a new family favorite! The day after, CSC was already asking me if I was going to make it again!

    joelen / kat / kalyn:
    It tastes as good as it looks! Maybe better. =)

    I love the pun. Hehe.

  6. oh wow! anything that starts with mashed potatoes is grand :)

    I think I actually have made a potato salad in the past that used olives and onions and capers.

  7. olga:
    I like how starting with mashed potatoes, I don't need to worry about potato cubes disintegrating. =)

  8. I made it as well. Havent posted it yet. I love your pic. The capers and the dill in a swirl. Very lovely.

  9. Excellent, very nice presentation of Peter's recipe! In fact, it looks even better than Peter's! ;-) Peter, if you read this, I am just kidding... LOL!

  10. ohhhh - i was totally eyeing this one up. you've totally convinced me that i need some of this in my life (peter did a good job convincing me too!).

  11. Sam:
    Haha, thanks!

    lori, we are never full:
    Apparently we're all part of the Peter's Caper Salad fan club!

  12. wow, looks pretty and I'm sure it was very tasty. It had to be if it was preferred over the chimichurri.

    I wonder if you could use mashed parsnips, celery root, or cauliflower instead of the potatoes.

  13. I rememebr seeing this over at Peter's - can there be a happier combo than capers and potatoes?? I've bookmarked it now. Stunning pics!

  14. Nate-n-Annie said...
    Probably could; or at least, a mix of potato and some other veg. I'm intrigued by the parsnip idea... perhaps we'll try it soon!

    Jeanne said...
    Hmm, it's been a while since we made this. I think it's time to make it again.
