Friday, August 01, 2008

Cornmeal-crusted Trout w/ Lemon-Anchovy-Caper Sauce

There's nothing to this recipe.
The only thing hard about this dish is the actual doing of it.

Get cornmeal.
Season cornmeal with salt, pepper, and whatever spices you like. I chose a little bit of our recently replenished smoked hot paprika, but you can use cumin or your favourite spice.

Cut trout fillets into strips.
Dredge trout strips in seasoned cornmeal.
Pan-fry in hot oil.

Serve with tartar sauce.

Or, in this case, this was actually a faux Caesar dressing TS made for a salad. Mayo, capers, garlic, cornichons, lemon juice, mustard, Worcestershire sauce and anchovies. I think that was everything.

[eatingclub] vancouver Cornmeal Love
Corn Toasties
Fried Green Tomatoes
Cornmeal-crusted Okra
Potato Cornmeal Foccacia
Cornmeal-crusted Trout w/ Lemon-Anchovy-Caper Sauce
Upside Down Cranberry Cornmeal Cake


  1. The top photo in this post looks so crisp and succulent at the same time. It's exactly how good food is supposed to look. Yum!

  2. I did this once with spiked bread crumbs instead; (Where am I going to get cornmeal here?) and baked instead of fried. But I didn't have your yummy dip...

  3. hmmmm yummy and delectable..anyway anything that comes out from your kitchen is that focaccia on your yesterday's post :-)

    btw, i have a party blog event in case you don't know yet..i would really love to invite you girls:-)

    and congrats on your new domain name!!

  4. This looks interesting. I love trout - my dad used to take me fishing when I was little, and this reminds me a bit of the things my grandmother used to do with our "harvest."

  5. This looks great and being in the South cornmeal is easy to find. I just need to find a good source for trout.

  6. I absolutely love cornmeal crusted anything...but particularly fish. This sauce sounds delectable as well.

  7. This is just beautiful. I have to try this, just gorgeous.

  8. This reminds me of these great fish frys on Fridays that we used to go to when I was little. I love crunchy, fried fish!

  9. That looks simply delicious -- crisp and light. Yum.

  10. Yup - this is a very simple recipe - but it's oh sooo good. That's what we do in the afro-american community. We love frying fish with a cornmeal dredging. That's really the only way we do it. We don't really use a tartar sauce (although I love me some tartar sauce). Instead we typically get some good Louisiana hot sauce - lol. Great job w/this.


  11. It's simple and easy to cook, looks crispy, moist, and delicious!
    I love the lemon anchovy caper sauce.

  12. I really like the texture that cornmeal gives to many things, especially fish like you've done here.

  13. This is fantastic! I tried crumbing with cornmeal (polenta) last week, except for cauliflower. It would be lovely with trout too. Nice combo.

  14. The fish looks great and I love the sauce. I just made trout for the first time a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it. I'll have to try it your way next time.

  15. I've been on a trout kick these days - would love to try this approach!

  16. Woo, nice! What kind of trout was it - the flesh looks pinkish?

    Would this recipe work as well baked?

  17. Great photos. I love trout and this looks delicious!

  18. The cornmeal really makes it easy for things to have a great crust! I'm all about the cornmeal-love!

    It's steelhead trout... which we also like to call "fake salmon", haha.


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