Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Grilled Pike Mackerel

killer stare

Simple is best.

I wouldn't trade a simple meal like this for the finest of dining experiences. Okay, maybe once or twice, I will consider the trade. On most days though, fish, fire, and rice are all it takes to make me happy.

I bought these pike mackerels (sanma) at our local supermarket. Unfortunately, for this kind of fish, they come frozen. I was looking for saba mackerel, which are flatter and rounder, with a whiter, more delicate flesh, but they were not available on the day I went.

I love these oily fishes (mackerel, sardines) and the best preparation for them is to grill them. A little sprinkle of salt, a little squirt of citrus (lemon, lime, or calamansi) and we're all set.

Enough said.

they're so dang sharp!

[captions provided by TS]

Other mackerel dishes:
Torched! Shime Saba (Japanese Pickled Mackerel)
Grilled Pike Mackerel
Fried Hasa Hasa
Simmered Saba with Daikon Radish (Saba Oroshi-ni)
Broiled Pike Mackerel


  1. I praise thee...my fellow fish luvah...nuthin' betta than a grilled whole fish.

  2. These look gorgeous! I really need some grilled fish soon. mmmmmm. gorgeous color.

  3. I do wish my husband was a fish person. The only fish he'll eat has to be filleted. So much for whole grilled fish unless we eat it out.

    Yours looks beautiful and has me drooling.


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