Friday, February 29, 2008

Cabbage Rolls

[A blast from the past! This was from April 4, 2006.]

CSC & I have a special love towards cabbage rolls, for some reason. So, I decided to make them!

I used tyler florence's recipe from food 911, more or less (with some slight changes),,FOOD_9936_22492,00.html

Note: if someone makes you cabbage rolls from SCRATCH, they love you!

It was soooooo labor-intensive, the rolling!

should've wilted/cooked the cabbage leaves more
used only ground pork (since that's what we had) instead of ground pork & beef
could've added more rice in the filling
the "sweet & sour" tomato sauce is actually "sour" (very tangy)
the "sweetness" comes from the cabbage
the components of the dish *HAVE* to be eaten TOGETHER: meat filling + cabbage + sauce

Nice! =D

Next time, perhaps I'll do mock cabbage rolls... So that's why there are such recipes! I saw recipes for "mock cabbage rolls", "fake cabbage rolls", and "cabbage 'roll' casseroles" while I was doing the research. Now I know why!

There were actually more cabbage rolls made than appear in the pictures. That larger dish (pictured) had the rolls, but there's a smaller dish where I've already given up and put a bed of cabbage, put the filling, and topped with more cabbage: a "mock" cabbage roll dish.

We froze the rolls so we can have cabbage rolls anytime!

It's been a while since those cabbage rolls. Hmm, maybe it's time to make them again. So good. But, the labor, the labor!

Again, the pictures suck! Sorry. =)

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